Calendar Templates

Free calendar templates!
A calendar template should be easy and
Apollo has made it happen again. Our blank 2025 calendar templates can be
updated with any calendar year, the selected month and even
photos. There are a few different templates
to select from - all downloadable and used
through your standard Adobe Acrobat software. A few
clicks of your mouse and they are ready to print. Apollo
recommends these over the Microsoft calendar templates or
Excel calendar template options.
from a free dynamic calendar template allowing you to
make your calendar they way you like. Create a family calendar with pictures
and print in either legal or letter mode on any standard printer.
We suggest legal as it is a better format for folding to
create a real looking calendar (if that is what you are
shooting for).
Click the following for a
printable calendar template, or select from the two
standard downloadable calendar templates shown below.
If you are wanting a calendar that displays the entire
year on a single page and allows for pictures, click
1 - Select Your Calendar Template
2 Free Calendar Templates
Select your month/year calendar template
Complete dynamic calendar template
Photo Calendar Template - go to this page
Please be patient while downloading the Calendar
templates as file sizes are large.
2 - Customize Calendar Template and
There are two calendars to select from.
Select month & year calendar
Once you have opened your calendar
template in step 1, you can select the
appropriate month and year. Then click "Update
Calendar". This will auto build your calendar for that
month. From there you can edit nearly ever aspect of
the page prior to printing. This is indicated
with the instructions to the right.
You are ready to build your full 2025 calendar or February calendar now. Do note that the drop down boxes and button's won't
actually print and only display on your screen while setting up this calendar.
Complete dynamic calendar
This calendar allows you to build things truly from
scratch. This means that you have to title the
calendar page. Next you click the "shift days"
button to move the dates to the appropriate place for
the designated month and year. Also note that
you can fill out the calendar with any special events
as desired.
Note: Remember that you can't save changes to
your printable Calendars after making them - so remember to
print. Purchasing a copy of Adobe Acrobat
Professional will allow you to save these templates. |

Create your own special
calendars for holidays and special events such as
Christmas, New Years, Halloween, Baby Showers, Valentines Day,
Birthday, Wedding, Bridal Shower, Retirement Parties or even
Step 3 - Link to Apollo's Templates
These Calendar templates are free of any charge and of course you aren't required
to link to our website, but it is a way to thank us for this
free service. A link would
be appreciated if you have a blog or website. Click
here for link instructions. If you don't have a
website to add us too, just remember to bookmark our website and
maybe refer a friend.
- Apollo
Making life a little easier with our free Calendar