Free Blank Gift Certificate Templates!
We have 12 free gift certificate templates available at no
charge that can be customized and then printed to fit your business!
After you select and personalize your certificate you will want to print
a number of copies. We also recommend buying some nice
quality paper to add a nice touch to your certificates. Please remember to give us a
link from your website or tell a friend about our free
printable templates!
Gift Certificate Template Customizations
After you open one of the blank gift certificates
below you are able to:
- Add a business name
- Add a street address / phone number / website
- Add legal terms and conditions
- Add a business logo
NOTE: You should have Adobe Acrobat on your machine
already. If you do not, or if the file extension is
not recognized by your computer when you click on a template
below you can download
Adobe Acrobat here.
Step 1 - Download Gift Certificate PDF
Select the free printable gift certificate of your
choice below. You can customize these certificates in
Adobe just like you would any document in Microsoft
Use these Gift Certificates
for all your favorite Holidays: Christmas, Valentines
Day, Birthday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Wedding, Anniversary,
Baby Shower, Bridal Shower, Graduations, Retirement and more...
Step 2 - Customizing Your Blank Gift Certificate Template

Now using the certificate to the right, make the changes to your
downloaded gift certificate template show in red. Keep in
mind that you can instead place your website and email address
in the Street Address and City/state/zip fields.
When completed with your changes, make several copies of your
certificate as you will not be able to save your changes unless
you have the professional version of Adobe Acrobat.
If you didn't find a style you like here is a link to more
free gift certificate templates.
If you appreciated our templates, take a moment and create a link on your blog, website, Pinterest, or anywhere else you can think of!
It is a simple way to say thanks for this free service - but is entirely optional of course!
Click here for link instructions.