Templates > Business > Resume Cover Letter
Free Example Cover Letter Templates

Free Resume Cover Letter Templates - Microsoft Word.
Let us help you write your resume cover letter and land that next job? Select one of our two free cover letters templates to help make it happen. Our
resume cover letter templates follow two different standard formats and provide a perfect example of what to include with your professional resume.
Click either of the styles below and then select
each section of the template and type in your details.
Then save the resume cover letter template in a safe place on your local
computer as a normal Word document.
Each section of these sample cover letter templates are nicely formatted
and organized to give your cover letter a clean and polished
feel. Increase your employment odds, and write a great letter. Good luck
with that new job!!!
Clearly alonside your cover letter, you need a professional resume. Apollo offers free templates for those two! Click to view our Resume Templates. Having Microsoft Word is a
prerequisite for using these templates.
Select Your Cover Letter Template
Free Sample Cover Letter Templates
Select your sample template from the two choices
below. They will download in Microsoft Word format so
you do need to have this software in order to download
either cover letter template.
Cover Letter
Style 1 |
Cover Letter
Style 2 |
cover letter template has both your address and the recipient's address. |
Cover Letter template only uses the address of the recipient you wish to send it to.
Link to Apollo's Templates
These employment cover letter templates are free of any charge for
online download and of course you aren't required
to link to our website, but it is a way to thank us for this
free service. A link would
be appreciated if you have a blog or website. Click
here for link instructions. If you don't have a
website to add us too, just remember to bookmark our website and
maybe refer a friend.
- Apollo
Making life a little easier with our sample cover letter templates!
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